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Tag: ballpoint pen

Nibby Sunday – Milton Reynolds – The Ballpoint King

Nibby Sunday – Milton Reynolds – The Ballpoint King

This article was originally published in Norwegian at Pennen er mektigere on May 2, 2021. When you search in old Norwegian newspaper archives for the name “Milton Reynolds”, you find a lot of articles that mention two specific events in particular. One happened in 1947, when he flew around the world with his plane “The Reynolds Bombshell” in 78 hours and 55 minutes, thereby setting a new record for circumnavigating the world. The other case that was widely reported in Norwegian newspapers…

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Nibby Sunday – Ballpoint pens I actually enjoy using

Nibby Sunday – Ballpoint pens I actually enjoy using

Us fountain pen enthusiasts have a small tendency to look down on ballpoint pens, but personally, I’ve found that both pen types have their uses. The fountain pen isn’t always the best tool, and in some situations the ballpoint pen is just better. In any case, there’s no reason to pit the two against each other. On the contrary, they actually complement each other quite well. When the ballpoint pen came on the market after the war, it was quickly able to replace the…

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Nibby Sunday – Pen Pack from Flying Tiger

Nibby Sunday – Pen Pack from Flying Tiger

I visited Flying Tiger in Trondheim this summer, and found a pen pack for NOK 80,- (approx. $8), with 8 pens of different types in it. I noticed that it contained, among other things, a fountain pen, and decided to buy it for testing. My hopes were not very high, especially after the fiasco with the fountain pens from Søstrene Grene last winter. Those were cheap chinese knock-offs of Kaweco Sport sold in a Norwegian design store, that dried out after just a…

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