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Tag: college

Nibby Sunday – Dorn / College fountain pen factory

Nibby Sunday – Dorn / College fountain pen factory

In December 1949, the newpaper Dagbladet announced that a Norwegian fountain pen factory would finally be established, and that it would be located in Ski. Local newspaper Østlandet’s Blad contradicted this rumour. They could confirm that a factory building was to be set up according to the New Deal principle, where several small businesses rented in the same building, but they had not heard anything about a fountain pen factory. A few months later, on 12 April 1950, they could,…

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Nibby Sunday – A month of vintage pens

Nibby Sunday – A month of vintage pens

Earlier this autumn, I wrote a blog post where I tried to get to the bottom of why I always prefer to write with modern fountain pens, and not vintage pens. As soon as I had published the post, an idea began to form: maybe part of the problem was that I hadn’t given the vintage pens a good enough chance? Were the points I listed in the August post actually based on empirical evidence, or just an outlet for my own prejudice against…

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State of my collection – 2023

State of my collection – 2023

A version of this article was originally published in Norwegian at Pennen er mektigere on March 12, 2023. Parts of it has been rewritten for the sake of this translated version. I moved into a new flat in October last year, and although I’d mostly gotten things in place before Christmas, large parts of my pen collection was packed away in boxes until the beginning of March. I had unpacked the pens and inks I use regularly, but the collection of…

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