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Tag: handwriting

Nibby Sunday – The joy of writing by hand

Nibby Sunday – The joy of writing by hand

So you have bought your first fountain pen? In this post, I share my tips for (re)discovering the joy of writing by hand. With your newly acquired fountain pen, the stage is set for you to find this joy. Whereas in the past you may have primarily written by hand because you had to, and with a bad ballpoint pen or pencil, with a fountain pen you may find that you actually want to write. The pen itself inspires to put nib to paper. Why…

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Nibby Sunday – Report from NaNoWriMo 2023

Nibby Sunday – Report from NaNoWriMo 2023

Sigh… This was the year I failed National Novel Writing Month. I’ve been participating for twelve years, and won every year, right up until this year. Despite that, this year’s NaNoWriMo was actually a pretty good experience. At least much better than the previous two years, where it felt like nothing was working, even though I was able to finish. This year’s NaNoWriMo started quite well. I had an idea that I thought had potential and that I enjoyed writing. And after a whole month…

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13 tips for writing NaNoWriMo by hand

13 tips for writing NaNoWriMo by hand

This is a blog post about National Novel Writing Month. If you don’t know what that is, you might find it useful to read my post “Nibby Sunday – Write a novel in a month!” first. This year will be my fourth time writing National Novel Writing Month by hand. The first time was in 2016. I started the month with a trip abroad, and didn’t really have time to write much the first couple of weeks, which led to…

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Why you should write by hand

Why you should write by hand

Many people see handwriting as old fashioned, impractical and unnecessary. You can sometimes wonder why it’s still important to be able to write by hand, to be able to communicate and make yourself understood with handwriting, and to use handwriting to note things down for yourself. Why is this necessary in a society where we have smartphones and computers, Siri and Google Assistant? For many, handwriting may seem cumbersome and slow, but part of the reason for that is precisely that they…

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