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Tag: limited editions

Inktrapment – Lamy Petrol

Inktrapment – Lamy Petrol

The end of summer, the cusp of autumn. Back to mundane tasks and familiar everyday life. Lamy Petrol is, in my opinion, the perfect everyday ink. Not because it’s boring – it’s not! – but it is convenient and simple to use, can withstand some wear and tear and has just enough distinctiveness and uniqueness not to become bland. The colour is, unsurprisingly, a muted, rather dark teal (i.e., petrol). There is not a lot of colour variations, but still…

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The fear of missing out, and why I stopped collecting the Conklin All American

The fear of missing out, and why I stopped collecting the Conklin All American

This blog post was originally published in Norwegian at Pennen er mektigere, on March 14, 2021. FOMO – The Fear of Missing Out, is a term that’s used in many contexts, including by many in the fountain pen community. But what is FOMO? Why do we feel FOMO, and how is this fear exploited by the market? We will take a closer look at that in this blog post. This phenomenon was first described by Dr. Dan Herman in a scientific article titled…

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