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Month: November 2023

Nibby Sunday – “There was buoyancy in him” – The Story of Eberhard Bredesen Oppi and The Norwegian Fountain Pen Factory

Nibby Sunday – “There was buoyancy in him” – The Story of Eberhard Bredesen Oppi and The Norwegian Fountain Pen Factory

In the spring of 2018, I inherited a pair of Pan pens, and started looking for information about this Norwegian fountain pen brand. At first it was difficult to find any reliable information, but as I managed to uncover little hints here and there, those hints could be used to dig deeper. I have written about Pan and Eberhard Bredesen Oppi several times in the past, and the most recent example up until now is an article in Norwegian from May 2020. Since…

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Nibby Sunday – “I’ll just go to the bank and fill it up”

Nibby Sunday – “I’ll just go to the bank and fill it up”

Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to write a full blog post this week. With NaNoWriMo and a number of other commitments, it has been difficult to make time. I am also working on a big article that I will publish on the last weekend in November, i.e. in two weeks. It’s a post with updated information about Den Norske Fyllepennfabrikk (The Norwegian Fountain Pen Factory), which made the Pan pens, and it’s likely to be the longest article I’ve written here on…

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Nibby Sunday – A month of vintage pens

Nibby Sunday – A month of vintage pens

Earlier this autumn, I wrote a blog post where I tried to get to the bottom of why I always prefer to write with modern fountain pens, and not vintage pens. As soon as I had published the post, an idea began to form: maybe part of the problem was that I hadn’t given the vintage pens a good enough chance? Were the points I listed in the August post actually based on empirical evidence, or just an outlet for my own prejudice against…

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