Inktrapment: Diamine Inkvent 2023 no. 10
Yesterday, in the Pen Addicts Norway Facebook group, someone was wondering why we haven’t seen any green inks yet. Today brings the first green ink in this year’s calendar!

Velvet Emerald is a standard ink, but it also has a bit of a red sheen in wet areas. The color is a quite dark emerald green – or dark teal – with some nice shading. Initially, I thought I had many inks in this color, but I discovered that most similar inks are significantly darker than Velvet Emerald. The ink flow seems quite wet.

A quick summary of inks 6 to 10, shows two chameleon inks, two standard inks, and one scented ink. Here, we can see the red sheen in Velvet Emerald, and a bit more of the shimmer in Moon Beam and Buck’s Fizz. Out of these five, Jacaranda remains my favorite, but I also appreciate Velvet Emerald and Moon Beam.

Liv Mogstad Strickert is a regular contributor to Pennen er mektigere and will be posting daily ink reviews of Diamine’s Inkvent 2023 in December.