Inktrapment: Diamine Inkvent 2023 no. 7
On day 7, we get the first Scented ink – the fourth ink series in this year’s Inkvent.

Sweet Dreams has an intense, saturated, and medium dark Barbie pink color with little to no shading. It is considerably lighter than both Pilot Iroshizuku tsutsuji and Pelikan Star Ruby.
The ink smells of something sweet, but I can’t figure out what it is. Does it remind me of candy in general, or is it something more specific? In any case, the smell disappears rather quickly when the ink is dry.
Like every other scented ink I’ve tried (which may be only five in total, but hey…), Sweet Dreams seems extremely wet. It even feathers on some types of otherwise fountain pen-friendly paper – in the picture below, I’ve used an Endless Recorder notebook which usually handles most inks very well.

Liv Mogstad Strickert is a regular contributor to Pennen er mektigere and will be posting daily ink reviews of Diamine’s Inkvent 2023 in December.