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Tag: Norway

Point to Paper – What happened to Monte Rosa and the Victorian underwear that belongen to my great grandmother?

Point to Paper – What happened to Monte Rosa and the Victorian underwear that belongen to my great grandmother?

I think many of you will recognize todays story. It is partly fiction and partly true. This is often the case with family history. We remember a little bit here and a little bit there. The stories change and develop as time goes by. The history of my family is similar. I have family both in North America and in Norway. Many of my ancestors left Norway with a dream of a better life in the US. Keeping track of…

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Point to Paper – The worlds first global bank had 31 correspondents in Norway before 1850

Point to Paper – The worlds first global bank had 31 correspondents in Norway before 1850

Look closely at the first picture in today’s story. The letter is addressed to Fredrik Huth & Co. in London. The envelope is stamped in Christiania. The letter is written the 27th of March 1846. It is from a business partner and friend. It is signed by a famous banker in Norway in the 19th century. His name was Andreas Grüning. I will get back to him shortly. The letter is clear evidence that the worlds first global bank had…

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Point to Paper – The Story of the Norwegian Longnosed Earmouse

Point to Paper – The Story of the Norwegian Longnosed Earmouse

In the past, people drew wisdom from myths and stories. It was often all they had. It was a way to create meaning in what they didn’t understand. Contrary to what we might like to believe, it is still the case that science and rationality are far from able to explain everything. We still need the stories. I have a weak spot for those who are able to tell these stories with creativity and color. There has always been a rich heritage of…

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Nibby Sunday – The five Norwegian pencil factories that was NOT owned by two brothers from Senja

Nibby Sunday – The five Norwegian pencil factories that was NOT owned by two brothers from Senja

Over the years, there have been several attempts to start up pencil production here in Norway. The most famous examples are Den Norske Blyantfabrikk and Oslo Blyantfabrikk, which I wrote a comprehensive article about in May 2022 (published in English in August 2023). In my research about the two Senja brothers who each started a pencil factory, I also found references to several other Norwegian pencil factories. In this article, I will share what I’ve been able to find about these lesser-known factories. Several…

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Point to paper – Pencil Problems in Parliament

Point to paper – Pencil Problems in Parliament

This post is about a forgotten pencil maker who contributed to unrest in the British Parliament one summer’s day in the late 1800s. You will get to know a pencil pioneer who went from running a one person craft business that developed into a successful industrial enterprise. Last but not least, you will receive a thorough introduction to how you can protect your tip. Most tips remain unprotected even in 2024. It is time that this neglected task was addressed. One would think…

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Point to Paper – Do you have a fountain pen that would go nicely with my Hardanger fiddle?

Point to Paper – Do you have a fountain pen that would go nicely with my Hardanger fiddle?

You may be wondering if anyone has actually asked me if there exists a fountain pen that would go particularly well with a Norwegian Hardanger fiddle. Strangely, no one has. What I can say is that if someone were to ask me this question, I have a good answer ready. I would like to share that answer with you. If you are interested in this topic, it might suggest a special interest in Hardanger fiddles or fountain pens. It might also be that you…

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Point to Paper – The business that had phone number 1, who did they call?

Point to Paper – The business that had phone number 1, who did they call?

Imagine that once upon a time there was a company you could call by just dialing one digit. I wonder what made them invest in the new phone technology. Not to mention the company with phone number 1. Who were they to call? What motivated them to get a phone? Believe it or not, I actually know the name of one such company. You might be wondering how I know this. It has to do with pencils. I also think it is a bit strange that…

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Point to Paper – Why did the Parish Priest Lund send a letter from Tangen on Tuesday the 18th of October 1808 to the County Physicist Arbo and City Surgeon Lundt at Bragernes?

Point to Paper – Why did the Parish Priest Lund send a letter from Tangen on Tuesday the 18th of October 1808 to the County Physicist Arbo and City Surgeon Lundt at Bragernes?

Written by Kjartan Skogly Kversøy and translation of Norwegian Gothic handwriting by Gina Dahl I recently bought a stack of old Norwegian handwritten letters from a collector in Sweden. All are from the early 19th century. In this pile, there was one letter that caught mye eye. It just cried out to be investigated further. The letter is from 1808 and is written with a quill pen. Quill pens were usually cut by hand by the person writing. They were cut with a small knife,…

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